Ramblings of a wannabe do-gooder

Monday, August 13, 2007

Back to School

I went back to my old school Mayo Girls on the 11th of August after five years. It felt really strange to be back, I felt happiness, nostalgia, sadness as well as a sense of joy that I didn't have to follow some of the ridiculous rules! A lot of changes have happened at school, a lot of new buildings, a temple, a new swimming pool and other stuff. But so much hasn't changed at all, the food tastes absolutely the same, the girls are as obsessed with boys as ever, the rules are still antiquated. The six years I spent in school were some of the happiest years of my life but I wish that they would move ahead with the times and be more relaxed about certain things. By providing such a sheltered atmosphere school doesn't prepare the girls for the big bad outside world. Anyway it felt really good to go back and next time I want to go with as many of my friends as I can.