Ramblings of a wannabe do-gooder

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Malnourishment in India

India may well be 'shining' to the world at large but when it comes to its children's health the picture is far from glossy. The recently released National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3), the third pan-India survey conducted since 1992 (covering 200,000 people from 15-54 years), highlights some sobering facts on this front. According to the survey, conducted between December 2005 and August 2006, a whopping 45.9 per cent of India's under-three kids are underweight, 39 per cent are stunted, 20 per cent severely malnourished, 80 per cent anaemic while infant mortality hovers at 67 per 1,000. More than 6,000 Indian children below five years die everyday due to malnourishment or lack of basic micronutrients like Vitamin A, iron, iodine, zinc or folic acid. Overall, India hosts 57 million - or more than a third - of the world's 146 million undernourished children. See more here and here

Friday, April 20, 2007

The last two months

I recently spent two days in Mussoorie and realized all over again how much I love it. Its one of those places where I feel instinctively at home and comfortable.
Rajasthan was amazing, difficult and challening but amazing. Indicorps and Piramal Foundation is definitely doing some interesting work in Bagar. Potentialy I think Radhika's vermicomposting project looks the most promising.
Recruiting has been intense, I've been to so many schools in the last week that I have lost count. Visiting Doon and Welham Girls was cool, especially after hearing so much about them over the years. All the schools I've been going to have a lot of potential, I just have to follow up and keep at it.
Its getting insanely hot but only to be expected I guess, May is almost here.